Virtual Sings during COVID-19

 Virtual Sings.

Second Fridays: NW Seaport Shanty Sing NW Seaport:
New June 2023 – In Person St. Andrews Pub, Greenlake

Saturdays: Weekly Folk of the Round Table – Hosted by Matchstick Piehouse, London. 1PM Pacific time.

Saturdays: Portland Song Circle: 6:30 PM Link Here

Sundays: Seattle Song Circle 7PM. Link here:  New June 2023: In person Greenwood Senior Center  (hybrid) 2nd Sundays 7PM
4th Sunday now In Person (listen online, but not hybrid)

Mondays 6-7PM  Beaverton Song Circle Updated 2023:  In Person at the Beaverton Library.

Thursdays (change): Redmond (WA) Sing Along: 7-8 PM Songbook Link

Wednesdays:  Dusty Strings Gather and Sing – Noon Sing-Along: Songbook Link .. Update April 2021 – current November 2021 – we are gathering in the picnic shelter at Carkeek Park.  Post vax please.  Zoom is still being used with a couple mics, a mixer and cell phone. Update 2023 – Still Hybrid.

1st & 3rd Wednesdays:  7:30 PM Vancouver BC Song Circle via Zoom.  Info  Update:  There is in-person happening again.

2nd & 4th Thursday:   7 PM-  Bainbridge Island Singing Circle.  This event has gone back to in person gatherings.

(new June) A calendar of more singarounds here

Corvallis Folklore Society Virtual Sing: The Corvallis Folklore Society has a zoom song circle on the 2nd and 4th Sunday at 6pm (tonight) – everyone welcome Zoom ID: 880 7842 6246 Passcode: 3WKQKZ

Boston Song Sessions:

This is only a list of ongoing circles, editing is too difficult to include one-time events.

Have another one to contribute?  Send an email to Bruce Baker at songcircle at


Technical Details:

Background: During the COVID-19  crisis that started late February 2020, musicians had to quickly convert from meeting and singing together to meeting online.  It was a true testament that for the most part, technology was here to support, not hinder the movement.  It is not possible to sing together due to overall delays, so the leader sings along and everyone else is muted at their end.  Zoom conferencing quickly became a leading way that people could continue to share music.

Facebook Influence. Musicians also did a number of livestreaming events using the Facebook platform.  The viewer need not be a Facebook user.   Other items that were ready included Venmo to allow viewers to pay for the viewing, or make a donation to a selected charity.  Many of these became recorded that allows viewing after the event. Special software for video authoring is needed, information is available on Facebook by looking up

Equipment needed: A webcam for a desktop or built-in camera on a tablet or laptop work fine. I recommend using a plug-in mic for better audio. A USB mixer (I use a Tascam) or USB mic (I use a Samson) really improve audio.  Headphones help if you can wear them.  Especially if they have a built-in mic.

Guidance for best Sound:   For Zoom version 5.4.7, use this document.  Note that Zoom does not update automatically, so we recommend you check monthly to see if there is a new version.  Newer versions have helped music quality. In December, participant directed breakout rooms became a worthy feature for music camps.

Simultaneous Singing via Internet

Several apps allow singing simultaneously.  Jamulus is one that has quite a following and more important decent instructions.  A document for setting up can be found here: